How often have you stood and stared at your own reflection with dissatisfaction and decided you need a Makeover? Believe me, I know what it is to not feel good about yourself. As an Image Consultant & Stylist, your decision of an external Image Makeover could not make me happier and I have done thousands of makeovers not only in Delhi, Noida, and Gurgaon but Pan India. However, the Life Coach in me wants to share a secret…psssst…any external makeover needs to be balanced with an Internal one! The moment you balance the external with the internal and vice versa your persona has a more authentic stamp creating a personalized ‘Halo’ which is difficult to ignore.

In the words of Rick Poynor, ” Our personal makeover has become our most fundamental design task”. So let me share a few tips to begin your Internal Makeover paradigm shift.

M- make time to introspect. Figure out your own strengths and attributes that make you unique. Stop comparing yourself to others all the time.

A – accept your good and not so good. Do not get influenced by those perfect images on social media. They are made to look perfect. You too can do it- use your strengths to contour your weaknesses and focus on highlighting and building the good.

K- know the people and environment around you. Do not let their toxicity pull you down. Dare to step away from the toxic. Allow no external pressure to cloud your decision of becoming a more beautiful & stronger version of yourself.

E- evaluating…. stop evaluating yourself from standards created by others. Create your own bar and raise it slowly but steadily. How others rate you is no measure of your internal growth. Set your own goals, your own measures, and your personal reward system.

O- organize yourself- have a definite plan of chipping your negative mold to replace it with a more positive one bit by bit.

V- validation- do not look for validation outside. A person who believes in self-validation and does not require validation from anyone is a strong individual. Be that person

E- expectations- whether your own or from others can crush your self-image. Review your expectations, your goals, resources, and the time allotted to yourself. Let a more realistic expectation energize you to build upon your internal makeover.

R- replay the good. Do not focus on the bad. The more attention you give to the negative the more you energize it. So, Beware! Replay your affirmations over & over again till you internalize them and reflect them on the outside in a more positive light.

Makeovers, both Internal & external can be just what is needed to move ahead…. stop to stare at your reflection now…see that twinkle in your eye, watch that beautiful smile spread over your face…. yes, that’s the reflection of a Winner!!

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