Be it personal life, be it professional life- we all are surrounded by people with opinions. Some may hold opinions in our favour, some just might say things that we don’t wish to hear. Right?

Depicting criticism handling

We are great with responses when someone praises us. “Thank you” and “Glad to know that you feel this way” just flow out smoothly when someone applauds us but we feel discomfort when someone criticizes us. Now, how to deal with this discomfort? How to handle criticism and that too with grace?

Well, I hope my suggestions help you out:

1. Take A Deep Breath and LISTEN
The first step is to listen. Listening – It is the hardest part of all. Nobody likes to hear about their shortcomings, nobody wants to be criticized BUT the key here is to be CALM and be a good listener.

Always remember that even the most painful comments can teach us something about ourselves. Therefore, listen to the critic patiently.

2. Don’t Be Defensive
Defense comes naturally but you should know that defense welcomes validation. The more you get defensive, the more their belief about you gets stronger.
Be receptive. After you have heard what they had to say – ask questions. You should be very well aware of the criticism and the critic. Therefore, do not shy away from asking questions if the criticism received isn’t particularly clear.

3. OWN IT!
When a person criticizes you, deep down – you either agree with them or you don’t. Be honest to yourself – if you feel that their criticism would add value to your life, the criticism will help you become a better version of yourself, then you should OWN IT and WORK ON YOURSELF!

4. Go For A Second Opinion
If you don’t agree with the critic at all – do not bluntly say that to their face – just write it down. Now, it’s time to reach out to the person whom you trust, who would always give you honest feedback, no matter how harsh. Go for a second opinion and their answer will certainly clear things for you.

5. Don’t take it your heart
Never forget that when someone criticizes you, they are just expressing their opinions, not facts! You should not take them to your heart. If you believe them, take them as a motivation to work on yourself. If you do not believe them, don’t let them slow down your pace in life.

Cheat code to handle criticism gracefully – Simply listen to what they have to say, filter what’s important, work on it and move on! Pretty doable, right?

About Renu Mehra
Renu Mehra is an Image Consultant by profession and President of IMPA Delhi chapter. She is also a Luxury Consultant, Empowerment coach, Visual Merchandiser and Soft Skills Trainer.

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